Celebration Activities
The Battle of Binh Ba was one of the major battles fought by Australian troops during the Vietnam
War. To commemorate the 40th anniversary of this battle a number of events will be held in Canberra
on 5-6 June 2009. The Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) is providing a grant to assist in funding
these events under the government’s Saluting Their Service program
The planning of these events is being undertaken by a combined arms committee representing all units
who were involved in the battle. The events are:
Date |
Time |
Event |
Remarks |
Fri 5 June |
8.30 AM |
Australian War Memorial Symposium on
Battle of Binh Ba
Location: BAE Systems Theatre at AWMLimited seating only.
Limited seating only.
Nominate through
sub-unit POC. |
Fri 5 June |
Evening |
Unit/sub-unit informal gatherings
Location: As advised by unit reps |
Sat 6 June |
2.00 PM |
National Commemorative Ceremony
Location: Australian Vietnam Forces National Memorial
ANZAC Parade.
All welcome |
Sat 6 June |
6.00 PM |
Combined arms reception & dinner
Location: Rydges Lakeside Hotel
Cost: $55 per person |
The official reception, which is funded by the Australian Government, has a one hour drink package
and finger food. The dinner, which follows the reception at Rydges Lakeside, consists of three
courses with a three hour drink package. The planning committee, with support from DVA, has
managed to keep the cost of the combined arms dinner to a very reasonable $55 per person.
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If you do wish to attend the activities, you are requested to contact your sub-unit representative whose
details can be found at the end of this article. He will then provide you with further information as
required. Please note that partners are welcome at all activities.
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Travel and Accommodation
Travel to and from Canberra as well as accommodation will be your own responsibility. Rydges
Lakeside Hotel, London Circuit, Canberra City has put aside 115 rooms at a discounted rate of $99 per
night for the Friday and Saturday. A $15 breakfast buffet is also available. This hotel is the venue for
the combined arms reception and dinner, so accommodation bookings are likely to fill quickly. If you
wish to book at Rydges Lakeside the contact number is 02-6247 6244. Ask for “Rydges Lakeside In-house Accommodation” and then ask for the Binh Ba Reunion discounted room rate of $99.
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Coat & tie are the preferred dress for the Commemorative Service and the dinner. Medals should be
worn for the Commemorative Service and medals or miniatures for the dinner. Sub-unit functions are
neat casual dress.
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Costs and Payment

Your travel and accommodation costs are your own responsibility. If you wish to attend the reception
and dinner the cost is $55 per person. Payment must be paid in advance so it would be appreciated if
you could make an electronic deposit to the Defence Force Credit Union (DEFCREDIT), Royal
Military College (RMC) Duntroon, A.C.T. 2600. Please ensure your name is clearly identified.
BSB: |
803-205 |
Account No: |
20780011 |
Name of Account: |
Binh Ba Commemorative Planning Committee. |
If you don’t wish to make an electronic deposit then please forward the appropriate amount ($55 per
person), by cheque or postal note, to the:
Binh Ba Commemorative Planning Committee,
PO Box 3500,
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Points of Contact
To find out more details and/or register attendance, please contact your sub-unit representative as
detailed below.
The commemorative activities on 5-6 June 2009 will be an important occasion to officially recognise
those veterans who participated in this significant battle. The planning committee hopes you will be
able to attend and looks forward to meeting you in June.
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