The Australian National Served Medal
The Anniversary of National Service 1951-1972 Medal (ANSM) was introduced in 2002 to recognise those who completed their obligation under the two National Service schemes that had operated in Australia between 1951 and 1972. |
![]() AdvertisementMounting your medals can be a costly exercise. The Medal shop offers the best prices available and the highest quality workmanship. You might also consder replicas of your awards. If you go overseas for an Anzac Day Ceremony, it would be a pity if your hard won awards were lost with your luggage and not able to be passed on to your children. The Medal shop can provide high quality replicas. enabling you to keep the originals in the safety they deserve. Click here to visit the Medal Shop website 253 Rocky Point Road Please support the Medal Shop. The Medal Shop does not pay the webmaster for this advertisment. Warwick Cary, the owner, provides presentation material without cost to the RAAMC Association who allows doc to park this site on their hosting service free of charge. |