This page is dedicated to the war heros of the RAAMC. The entries below are only an extract of those who have been decorated. Please excuse if any worthy member has been missed. Contributions should be sent to the webmaster via the contact us Tab on the navigation bar. Please note that only members who were awarded their decoration whilst carrying out their duties as a member of the RAAMC are eligable for entry in this page. Distinguished Service, Conspicious Service, Commendations, Members Mentioned in Dispatches (MIDs) are not included in this page. (Simply put: Only Decorations for Gallantry which allow post nominals to be used by the recipient)

MAJGEN Sir Neville Reginald Howse VC

General Howse

MAJGEN Sir Neville Reginald Howse distinguished himself by his gallantry in two wars, and by his ability in two careers, military medicine and politics: In both he achieved remarkable eminence.

Neville Reginald Howse was born in Stogersey, Somerset on 26 October 1863, second son of Alfred Howse MRCS, LRCP, and of Lucy Elizabeth, daughter of J.H.C. Beresford-Conroy. 1905 he married Evylyn, the daughter of G. de Val-Pilcher. e was educated at Fullards School, Taunton, and at the London Hospital qualifying MRCS, LRCP in 1881. Ten years later he passed the FRCS and in 1919 received an honorary FRCS (Edinburgh).

Dr Howse started his career as a medical practitioner in Australia, upon the outbreak of the Boer war he volunteered for Service, being commissioned as a Lieutenant. In l899. During the action at Vredefort on 24 July 1900 he displayed conspicuous gallantry in going out under very heavy fire to bring to safety a wounded soldier. For this and other deeds of valour he was awarded the Victoria Cross and promoted. During the South African campaign Captain Howse saw action at Johannesburg, Pretoria, Diamond Hill, Wittlesberg, Bethlehem, and in the Transvaal. At the end of the War he was promoted to Major in command of the 1st Australian Commonwealth Bearer Company, received the Queen's medal with six clasps and the King's medal with two clasps.

Upon the outbreak of World War I Howse became Principal Medical Officer in the rank of Lieutenant Colonel to the Australian and New Zealand Naval and Military expeditionary Force in German New Guinea. Later that year he was appointed ADMS to the 1st Australian Division in Egypt and was responsible for the medical arrangements at the ANZAC landings at Gallipoli. For his services in that campaign he was Mentioned in Despatches and created CB. In 1915 he was appointed DDMS of the Australian and New Zealand Medical Services, and soon assumed the responsibility of Director General in the rank of Surgeon General. He was appointed KCB in 1917 and KCMG two years later-General Howse retired from the Army in 1922 and entered the Australian House of Representatives holding office in turn as Minister for Defence, Minister for Health, and Minister for Home and Territoriy.





Major Carol Louise Vaughan-Evans is cited for the Medal for Gallantry for inspirational leadership, personal courage and exceptional performance of duty as the Medical Officer in Command of the Casualty Clearing Post at Kibeho, Rwanda during the massacre of civilian refugees in April 1995. As the Medical Officer in Command, Major Vaughan – Evans was responsible for the operation of the Casualty Clearing post which included the collection, assessment, and evacuation of over five hundred severely wounded casualties.

Immediately on arrival at the camp on 22 April the Casualty Clearing Post was established and Major Vaughan-Evans and her team moved into the camp to assess and collect casualties. As the day progressed and more casualties were sustained, Major Vaughan-Evans calm, clear directions and medical expertise ensured that the team at the Casualty Clearing Post continued to operate at a maximum capacity and with exceptional efficiency. In the afternoon the security situation deteriorated and intense firing erupted around them. Nevertheless, Major Vaughan-Evans continued to treat casualties despite the risk of personal injury. On numerous occasions Major Vaughan-Evans accompanied casualties to the helicopter landing zone while firing was still occurring in and around the amp. Throughout the entire crisis, Major Vaughan-Evans displayed acts of gallantry, inspirational leadership and exceptional performance of duty. Despite being fatigued from treating casualties administering medical support, Major Vaughan-Evans was undaunted by the hostile rifle fire and mass casualty situation which confronted her.

By her gallant performance of duty, distinguished leadership and tireless and selfless efforts, often under fire and always under appalling conditions, Major Vaughan-Evans was directly responsible for the saving of many Rwandan people. He calmness in this life threatening situation and her ability to make clear and accurate medical assessments under pressure were of the highest order. In addition, her compassion and dedication to those she was treating, ability to improvise when supplies ran low, and outstanding medical expertise were in the finest traditions of the Royal Australian Army Medical Corps. Her acts of gallantry and leadership whilst under fire were inspirational to all members of the Australian Medical Support Force Team at Kibeho. View Video.



CPL Wayne Laurence Brown MM

Wayne Smith MM

Photo Courtesy of the AWM

Corporal Wayne Laurence Brown, A National Serviceman, was enlisted on 20 April 1967 and was allocated to the Royal Australian Medical Corps. He was posted to the 4th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment on 2nd February 1968 as a medical Assistant. He arrived in South Vietnam on 1st June 1968.

On 16 February 1969 during Operation GOODWOOD B Company was heavily engaged by small arms, machine guns and rocket fire from the enemy force concealed in bunkers. Two soldiers from
B Company were killed and a number of others were wounded. A supporting troop of tanks were called forward and they immediately came under heavy RPG rocket fire.

Corporal Brown moved forward from a relatively safe position to the area closest to the enemy where the B Company casualties. The area was being swept by intense rocked and machine gun fire. Corporal Brown was blown to the ground by one rocked blast but continued to move forward and rescued the wounded.

At this point of time the left forward tank was heavily damaged and all crew members were wounded Corporal Brown assisted in the evacuation and treatment of these casualties and escorted them to the helicopter site in the rear of the company position. At this location he continued to tend to the wounded until they were ready for evacuation. He then returned to the Company Headquarters Position which was still under small arms fire to see if he could be of further assistance.

During the whole period of his tour in Vietnam, Corporal Brown displayed professional skill and compassion in his treatment of wounded soldiers. Whenever the need arose he unhesitatingly exposed himself to danger to rescue and treat wounded soldiers. His unfailing devotion to duty and personal courage has brought great credit to himself and the Royal Australian Army Medical Corps.


WO1 Mick O'Sullivan MM

Mick O'Sullivan MM

Corporal Michael O'Sullivan enlisted in the Australian Army on 28th May 1968 and was allotted to the Royal Australian Army Medical Corps. He joined 4th Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment, in September 1970, and arrived in South Vietnam with the Battalion on 22nd May 1971.

On 30th July 1971 in Phuoc Tuy Province, 10 Platoon D Company, was in contact with elements of 1st Battalion, 274 Regiment, who were entrenched in a bunker system. The Platoon suffered a number of casualties and Corporal O'Sullivan moved forward under intense rocket and automatic weapons fire to render aid to the wounded.

Upon reaching the Forward section which was pinned down, Corporal O'SuIlivan calmly and courageously cared for the wounded, ignoring the fact that he was continually exposed to direct enemy five which killed a soldier assisting him. Corporal O'Sullivan continued to give aid to the wounded until he could move them to a place of safety.

Corporal O'Sullivan's actions in giving aid to the wounded in such a tenuous position, his steadiness in battle, professionalism and outstanding devotion to duty reflects great credit upon himself, his Corps and the Australian Army.



CPL John James (JJ) Davis MM

Corporal John James Davis enlisted in the Australian Regular Army on 30 January 1963 and served as a medical assistant with 101 Field Workshop and 2 Recruit Training Battalion; joining 3rd Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment on 13th March 1966. He arrived in South Vietnam with the Battalion on 27th December 1967.

During the A Company operations in the defence of Baria on the Ist and 2nd February 1968, Corporal Davis, the company medical assistant, on many occasions displayed outstanding courage and devotion to his comrades-

Throughout the morning of the 1st February 1968 he moved across roads being swept with automatic weapon and rocket fire with complete disregard for his own safety in order to treat wounded Australians and Americans. Later that day, when the Australian Adviser Warrant Officer Class Two Parello was fatally wounded, he again braved enemy fire three times in an endeavour to treat him.

His complete disregard for his own safety, his devotion to duty, and his care for the wounded soldiers was undoubtedly an inspiration to all and was in the highest traditions of the Royal Australian Army Medical Corps.


CPL Raymond Walsh MM

Ray Walsh MMCorporal Raymond Walsh enlisted in the Australian Army on 10 August 1967, and was allotted to the Royal Australian Army Medical Corps. He joined the 3rd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment, on 10 April 1969, as a Medical Assistant. He was attached to B Company, and arrived in South Vietnam with the Battalion on 25 February 1971.

In June 1971, during Operation Overload, B Company was involved in a day long engagement with a large enemy force entrenched in a well fortified bunker system. At about 1100 hours on that day, when a helicopter carrying ammunition crashed in the rear of the company area, Corporal Walsh dashed immediately to it and assisted the co-pilot and side-gunner away from the wreckage. Despite exploding ammunition in the helicopter that had caught fire, he then dragged out the body of the pilot who had been killed in the crash.

As he gave treatment to the wounded, Corporal Walsh was told that there was another soldier still in the helicopter. He immediately returned to search the still burning and exploding helicopter and he remained in the vicinity until the injured member was found on the far side of the helicopter. Then with assistance he helped to carry the injured member to safety and begin treating him for his injuries.

Corporal Walsh, by his immediate actions, saved the lives of three people. His coolness, bravery and complete disregard for his own personal safety in an extremely dangerous situation are qualities which he continued to display during his tour and reflect great credit upon himself, his Corps and the Australian Army.


PTE Tom Hardwick MM

PTE Tom Hardwick, a member of the 8th Fd Amb, whilst attached to 17 Const Sqn, during Op CUTLASS THREE, volunteered to participate in a reaction force to extract wounded personnel of an ambush patrol that was in heavy contact with the enemy. PTE Hardwick crawled through dense jungle in darkness to render aid to a wounded soldier who was lying in the field of fire between the allied forces and the enemy, and thus continuously exposing himself to heavy enemy fire.



CPL Alan Rae MM

Photo Courtesy of the AWM

Click here to download SGT Rae's original recommendation document and citation