RAAMC Association Gallery

Welcome to the RAAMC Gallery. All photos containined in this gallery are copyright. Permission to download any photo in this gallery for commercial must be obtained in writing from the RAAMC Association Incorporated or the owner of the photo album.

UNTAC RAAMC Treatment Section

Medics in Cambodia

3rd Row (L) To (R) Stephen "Otto" Davies, Anthony "Clarkie" Clark, Glen James, Glen "Muzza" Murray
2nd Row Tim Frolich, Tom Travers, Chris Musimetchi, Kelly Kendrick, Rob DeVries, Nick Hannay, Buck Rogers.
Front Row Speed McAndrew, Cameron Montieth, Peter Roessler, Anne Blundell (NSC), Tony Barnett.

RAAMC Photo Gallery
1 HSB Gallery 2 HSB Gallery Callsign Vampire LCPL John Gillespie Department of Defence
Beatle Baily ANZAC DINNER 2008 Skip Fuller Greg McPherson-Berry Garry Mellor
Healesville Now COL John Overton NSW Olds and Bolds NZ Centennial Conference 2 Fd Amb (Fi Sonics)
2 Fd Amb Reunion 2 Fd Amb Welcome Home Roger Eyles - 2/8 Fd Amb 1 Roger Eyles - 2/8 Fd Amb 2 Dean Kittelty
RAAMC Assn (SA) Phil Murphy 11 Fd Amb K89 11 Fd Amb Combat Rations Iraq
Webmaster Alan Curry Tony Blake 11 Fd Amb 2 11 Fd Amb 3
Olds and Bolds HSAR - ER Brett Ferrari 1 HSB (Talisman Sabre) SOAH Healesville
Trevor McGaw 8 Fd Amb 11 Fd Amb 4 Gerry Stevenson 2 Fd Amb